Class AB power amplifiers with field transistors
Analogue DMOS power amplifiers provide high power to the speakers. These circuits, made on field transistors, are characterized by very low distortion and very low noise. The result is a natural sound associated with high-end tube amplifiers rather than cheap transistor ones. There is also no question about the digital character of the sound. A number of security features and functionalities of power amplifiers increase safety and comfort of use.

Analogue crossover with STAGE system
Analogue crossover with APS STAGE technology. Time equalization, available in the analogue version most likely only in APS studio monitors, allows for easy location of the source on stage. This significantly reduces the time and amount of work with the sound material. An additional advantage of STAGE technology: Sources have natural sound.

Special midwoofer design
The electromagnetic system with a very strong magnet and a robust speaker coil, or speaker motor, is made in MIRROR DRIVE technology with demodulators, Faraday rings and optimal pole geometry. These solutions allow the diaphragm to vibrate robustly and precisely according to the input signal while minimizing non-linear distortion. This results in a much cleaner, clearer and more dynamic sound than conventional solutions. The diaphragm is made of very hard and lightweight modified cellulose with optimal damping of proprietary resonance. Thanks to it, the sound transmission is detailed and natural.

Paired monitors with accuracy of +/- 0.25 dB over the entire acoustic band
Monitors made of selected components are equalized and calibrated to a standard. In the last stage they are matched in pairs in terms of frequency characteristics. Thanks to this, the scene created by them is multidimensional and detailed, and the well audible instruments are arranged precisely.